Growth Investment Insights

Pitching to VC investors

Crafting a clear equity story for long-term investors

To attract investors and fund your scale-up journey, the most important thing you can do is tell a good, compelling story that presses all the right buttons. It doesn’t matter if you are pitching to angels, VCs, family offices or big PE houses, sophisticated investors understand the value of patience, particularly during periods of volatility. …

Crafting a clear equity story for long-term investors Read More »

Raising capital: Venture Debt vs Venture Equity

When it comes to funding startups and early-stage ventures, entrepreneurs have a range of options to consider. While venture equity has long been the traditional route for raising capital, venture debt has gained popularity as an alternative financing tool. In this blog, we explain the key differences between venture debt and venture equity and set …

Raising capital: Venture Debt vs Venture Equity Read More »

Early stage vs the rest of the world - Mergers and Acquisitions

Early stage vs the rest of the world

While much has been written about what persuades investors to buy stakes in businesses, a lot of the discussion revolves around the investors’ decision process in relation to assessing seed or start-up investment opportunities. Advice is often targeted at “the pitch”, the qualities of the founder/s, etc. However, in the market for mature and, ahem, …

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