Some things to think about if you are thinking of acquiring a company
Some things to think about if you are thinking of acquiring a company
The perfect match: Finding a target is easy. Finding the right target is hard. A good advisor can save you from making an easy but expensive mistake.
Do it right: It takes skills and experience to structure the right deal at the right price for both parties.
Balance risk v reward: Any acquisition creates risks as well as opportunities. You need to fully understand potential downsides.
Think beyond the transaction: The hardest part is not the deal: it’s integrating two entities into one, blending personnel, systems, cultures, workplaces, and more into a single, aligned body. At CapEQ our input extends beyond the transaction, to help you manage a larger, more complex business.
Relationships matter. Whether you work with a seller briefly or for years ahead, building trust is essential upfront. We overcome obstacles on your behalf, resolve tensions, and create an environment where goodwill arises from honesty, clarity.
Acquisitions are usually multi-faceted, complex, and emotional. They generate problems. We’ve seen most if not all of the roadblocks and misunderstandings that can occur and have successfully navigated our clients around or past them. #bestadvice #management #entrepreneur